An overview of IT and e-commerce

Plan your IT systems for the future

Planning your IT system with room for change can help you bolt on additional functions when you need them. There's little point in investing in a new IT system only to find that, six months later when you want to add more staff or software, it isn't capable of expansion.

Help with planning

In order to plan effectively for both your current and future IT needs, you must specify your requirements correctly and acquire the appropriate technology. See our guide on how to make the right IT choices.

For practical advice on selecting the most appropriate IT partner and how to make the relationship work, see our guide on how to choose and manage your IT supplier.

Going online

Before you put your business online, consider all the options and make sure that it's as simple as possible to make the move when you decide to. For example, you may at some stage want to create and manage a website to promote your business or have a fully transactional online shop. See our guide on planning for e-commerce.

Mobile working

If you have got staff out on the road or working from home, you may want to consider mobile solutions and the ability to connect to your systems remotely. For example, sales people on the road can instantly check stock levels or people who work from home can access internal documents, making communication more effective. To find out about the practical and technical issues you'll need to consider, see our guides on mobile technology andwireless technology.


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